William Watts was born on 1st June1791 at Kent England. He married Sophia Buss
at Ticehurst, Sussex on 13th October 1814.
In 1841 they had 10 children and on the 12th June they and their children
sailed from Plymouth England on the 506 ton Oriental arriving at Wellington on
22 Nov 1841.
The family tree shows the members of the Watts in New Zealand. The members
underlined in red can have data accessed by clicking the mouse on their cell.
The Oriental, 506 tons, under Captain William Wilson, sailed from Plymouth on June 22, 1841, and arrived at New Plymouth on November 7, after having first called at Port Nicholson. There were only 90 emigrants aboard. Sixteen cabin passengers (including the Watts) left the ship at Port Nicholson, Wellington 27 Oct 1841, because when they got to Wellington they heard of fighting with Maori in Taranaki. they did not like the reports of fighting in Taranakiby Maori,they heard about The Oriental had a fine weather passage from the Old Land. As she had so few passengers and little cargo beyond the belongings of the passengers, she got quick discharge. Apparently there was some trouble with the crew, and in weighing anchor the orders of the Captain were not properly carried out. The barque was perilously near the shore, at one time being about half a cable's length off, but fortunately the anchors held when promptly dropped. Captain Liardet then went aboard and skilfully worked the vessel out of her difficult position. As it was she struck the bottom two or three times, but no serious damage was done. (3)
When they arrived in Wellington the settlement was just a few months old. There was however adequate employment especially for an agricultural labourer. Land around Port Nicholson was being cultivated but the settlement did no extend far from the port. A local newspaper, the Colonial and Port Nicholson Advertiser was established in 1842 to serve the needs of the community . This can be read on line at Http://www.natlib.govt.nz/pastpapers.html and is the source of some of this early information.
Jane Watts married Baker Polhill in 1841 at Port Nicholson. Baker was the son of Captain Polhill (see newspaper 18.11.1842). He applied for a position with the City Council on 18/10/1842 and was presented to the Governor at Barrets Hotel on 21st Jan 1843 (see paper of 24/1/1843)
In late 1842 the Road to Karori was being developed but land owners in the Hutt valley were delaying clearing their land, because there was no access road. There was some criticism of the land owners that many were absentee investors whilst others had invested their money in permanent buildings in the city instead of bringing their land into production.
Port Nicholson was however a busy port. with around 300 arrivals of vessels
(up to 500 tons) a year and usually about 10 sailing vessels in the harbour at
any time.
A City Council was established in 1842.
The fire of 1842 destroyed about 50 homes and forced may settlers out to
their land and by 1843 the road to the Wairapa was being investigated (see
paper 16/12/1842) as a place for grazing cattle where they would not interfere
with the agriculture.
Ann Watts married John Badams (a Chief Officer of the Oriental) on 21st October 1842 at Port Nicholson but this is not mentioned in the local paper. This is not unusual because birth, deaths and marriages that were advertised were probably based on information supplied by relatives.
Sheep, cows and horses had been continually imported from Australia. In 1845 sheep were in the Wairapa having been driven from Wellington via Pencarrow heads. In 1849 this flock belonging to Tiffen moved on to Hawkes Bay where they had established a lease of 50,000 acres with Te Hapuku for 100 per year. To the South the nearest run was Castlepoint and to the North the nearest was in Auckland.
Matilda married Robert Grace a seaman from the Oriental. in 1846 in Port
Nicholson and on 28th September 1847, the Badams and their three sons and
Robert Grace and his wife and Edward Watts sailed on the schooner Comet
arriving in Port Jackson Australia on 15th October 1847. It is thought that
William and Sophia and the family had already made the trip settling at
Jamberoo via Kiama to farm near Vidlers and Steadmans.
Edward returned to N.Z after his visit
He started a bullock wagon carting business with John Knight in 1853 ( Hawkes
Bay Herald October 16th 1858) in the Hastings area .
From 1851 John Knight had spent four years doing farm work in the Wairapa and in 1855 he moved to Hawkes Bay (Early Stations of Hawkes Bay by Miriam MacGregor)
By 1851 there were tiny beach communities on both sides of the Ahuriri
(Napier) Harbour, one at Onepoto and one on the western spit, as well as half a
dozen or so shore whaling stations strung around the coast from Mahia to
Kidnappers. Each of these stations had two or three boats and 18 to 20 men.
Being the only safe harbour between Wellington and Tauranga, and with a
hinterland occupied by Maori, who were beginning to produce wheat, maize,
fruit, vegetables, pigs, and potatoes for the European trade, Ahuriri Harbour
had the potential to develop into a port town where both races mixed and
mingled in the market place. But the rapid advance of pastoralists from the
Wairarapa was to overtake the development of Maori agriculture and trade, and
the town and port of Napier were to become the centre of government,
administration, and business for a pastoral province. (Te Whanganui-a-Orotu
Report 1995)
Trade had however been conducted with Port Nicholson by sea since the early
In 1851 McLean had arranged the purchase of land (known as the Te Hapuku or
Waipukurau block). In 1858 Watts and Knight were able to purchase some of this
land Adjoining Spinners and Hon. A.G. Tollemarch's selection and Mr. Abbot's
(Provincial Government Gazette of the Province of Wellington
1858 (P115) Return of Land Sales and deposits received in the province of
Wellington from 1
to 31
March 1858 District Ahuriri )
The location and boundaries of this land have been obtained from local
knowledge and are shown on the map in the index page. There may have been some
minor differences and perhaps over the intervening 150 years some small parcels
may have been sold or gifted to form the Otane township. It has been assumed
that he owned all the land between the main road and White road and that after
the rail was built, the part on White road was sold
The land comprised about 200 acres of low lying ground
formed from alluvial run off from the surrounding hills and the rest was in
undulating country with small hills of a few metres rising above the plains.
The water table in the low land was often near the surface and consequently
this land could loosely be described as swamp. Whereas the hilly land was
firm underfoot in all seasons. There was no significant supply of
permanent water however several natural depressions contained runoff . However
all but one of these dried in the summer season. Whether the land was timber
clad or bush covered is unknown. It would be expected that it would have some
bush cover however it is unlikely to be heavily timbered as was Noreswood a
distance away.
The time of construction of the house is also uncertain. It was erected at the
Northern end of the property on the top of the first of the small hills that
bordered the swamp and about 5 metres above the swamp. The picture shown is
taken from the North showing the verandah from which there was a clear view of
the low land to the North. An orchard was planted at the foot of the hill to
the North and extended about half the distance towards the road. It has all
gone now but in 1948 the grapes, covered with netting, were thriving. The last
plum tree died some years ago. Acess to the house was from the Main road. It
was slightly raised above the surrounding ground and this is just detectable
today. The drive had a small amount of metal which made it navigable in winter.
However the edges were very slippery and at least one telephone technician
incurred the whip of Annie's tongue when he churned up turf after becoming
A shed was constructed below the house to the East to store freight waiting
for transportation on the bullock wagons.
The swamp was eventually drained with a large open drain and numerous tile
drains. However drinking water for stock, remained a problem as much of the
ground water had high
iron content. Eventually a source was located that had sufficiently low iron
content for stock water and a 15 foot deep timber lined well was dug. Water
was pumped from this with hand pumps.
Shown in the Electoral Roll 1858, along with John knight is Edward Watts
Kaikoura Drayowner, Freehold Otamatiti (Provincial Govt. Gazette of the
Province of Wellington Vol.V 1858 Saturday July 24th )
Roads were under construction in 1857 and 1858 (Hawkes Bay Herald October 17th
1857 ) and reached Te Aute on March 30th 1859
He married Anne Mein Steven in Napier on 18th July 1859. Their descendants are the early residents of Hawkes Bay. Theirs is the first entry in the marriage register of the Presbyterian Church at Napier and can be viewed there today.
In March 1860 the carting business was dissolved by mutual consent (Hawkes Bay Herald March 24 th 1860). Whilst rumours survive about the possibility of dissent between the two it is without doubt that this partnership enabled both of them to become landholders. It is not difficult to imagine that with the roads becoming complete the demand for bullock wagons was declining. And they had a growing interest in their farms and families.
John Knight had built his house on Argyll Road. Some years later another house was built nearby and remains today. His property has been handed down through the family to this day
.John William Watts was born on 19th March 1861
.Edward was listed as a juror (Hawkes Bay Herald. March 24th 1860 and. Feb
1861 ) and was able to vote at the election of Members of the Provincial
Council for the Electoral District of Te Aute, for the year 1863/64. Edward
Watts Kaikoura, Freehold, Otamatiti Moiety of 440 acres in application 247,
Napier Hawkes Bay Times November 6th 1863
When the Post Office was opened in 1865 it was under the name Kaikora, though
gazetted as Kiakoura. The similarity of the name with Kaikoura in Marlborough
caused much confusion, and from 1st March, 1884 the office here changed the
name to Kaikora North in an attempt to avoid confusion. (From the Bay to the
It was later renamed Otane
Edward Grace Watts was born on June 21, 1864
William Watts was born on 9 May 1866
.Susan Watts was born on 19th March 1868
.Thomas Steven Watts was born on 19 July 1870
.Alexander Watts on 27 July 1872
.James Watts on 13th October 1875
.Ann Watts 16th September 1877
Charles watts 12 December 1879
Henry Watts 7 March 1882
In 1873 Edward had 1309 sheep and 1601 in 1876 (Hawkes Bay Provincial
Council, Report of Inspector of Sheep; Return of sheep above six months old )
To the West of the house and near the Napier to Waipawa road a carpenters
workshop was constructed and nearer Waipawa a ploughman's cottage. The date in
which these buildings were erected is not known. With Edwards background as the
son of an agricultural worker unable to write, and his skill in ox team
transport it is unlikely that he also had carpentry skills. However his wfe's
father, John Steven, was a master carpenter having, in 1840 received a
medallion from the Royal Society
of Arts for his method of hanging windows. Therefore it is probable that John
Steven was the motivating force behind this workshop and the subsequent
training of Edward's sons in Carpentry that was to become their vocation.
On Wednesday evening a public meeting was held in the schoolroom, Kaikora, for
the purpose of drafting measures for the erection of a Presbyterian Church in
that township. Rev D Sidey and Rev R Fraser were present - the latter, as
chairman, stated that Mr Steven had received a donation of £50 from Mr Tiffen
for that purpose and other sums had been promised, so that it was very
desirable that a more commodious and comfortable place than the present, should
be built for public worship, the result of which, he believed, would be an
increase in attendance at service. The resolution was carried unanimously and a
committee appointed to carry out the objects of the meeting, composed of the
following gentlemen Messrs Steven, R Todd, J.Todd, E. Watts, C.Clark, M.
McLean, M.Campbell, J. Nicholson, A. Livingstone, A. McMaster, W Cranford, S.
.(Hawkes Bay Herald Saturday February 24th 1877)
Tenders for building the Presbyterian Church at Kaikora were opened on Tuesday
evening and that Mr John Renouf of Napier was accepted
(Hawkes Bay Herald. Friday April 27th 1877 )
Because his run was adjacent to the settlement at Kaikora it was attractive
for community events
.The Waipawa County Ploughing match Association held its annual meeting on
Wednesday June 15th at Kaikora. Ploughing will be held on land granted by E.
Watts Esq., for the purpose. R. Monteith Sec.
Waipawa Mail Wednesday May 11th 1881
A Public meeting organised by Corkill, Robb, Alfred Dillon, Edward Watts, for
consideration as to the formation of a Waipawa Country Racing Club was
advertised in the Waipawa Mail Saturday November 13th 1880 and held at
Fletchers Railway Hotel Thursday evening November 18th 1880 .Edward was
appointed a steward
Waipawa Mail Saturday November 13th 1880
The Waipawa Racing Club held their first meeting on Edward's run in December.
Waipawa Mail. Tuesday December 28th 1897
The race course and grand stand were subsequently constructed on Edwards run.
Their location, shown on the map has been determined from observations made
whilst the land has been farmed. At the grandstand site inumerable glass
bottles have been recovered over the years. All unfortunately have been broken.
The grandstand also had a tiled area formed from 50 sq mm tiles which are still
being exposed when the land is tilled. The boundary of the race course to the
south is determined by the curvature in the fence line.
picture from John Mudgway
He was also active on Roads Board and the Kaikora Cemetery Affairs committee
Waipawa Mail.
Wednesday August 24th 1881 and October 10th 1884.
Apart from grazing sheep he had some land in cultivation.
On one occasion, there was a fire in Mr E.Watts paddocks at Kaikora whilst
harvesting was in progress resulting in the loss of one stack of oats,
calculated to contain 150 bags of grain, one stack of barley, containing about
200 bags, a quantity of straw and the elevator . The stocks were not insured.
The harvest was said to have been a fine one and, but for the mishap, would
have been safely housed the next day.. Only 72 bags of grain were secured. Fire
was caused by a spark from the engine.
Waipawa Mail. February 24th 1885 and Daily Telegraph February 24th 1885
On the 25th(28th) March at the residence of the Bride's Father by Rev. S
Douglas, John William, eldest son of Mr E Watts, Early Mount Kaikora married
Eliza, second daughter of Mr J. Avison, Willow Bank, Waipawa
Waipawa Mail Saturday April 3rd 1886
About this time the need for additional housing for his growing family must have been apparent. Consequently another house was erected on the Main Road. This house was occupied by Edward Grace Watts in 1926 when he was shot by a Maori youth. Some time there- after it was unoccupied for a period of 21 years and became known as the "Haunted House". When it was constructed the house had a slate roof but after a time this leaked and the house was fitted with an iron roof. Around 1948, the house was re occupied by Alec Watts who had prior to this been living just North of Otane. Another house a short distance towards Waipawa is also thought to have been constructed by the family. It was subsequently surveyed and sold. It is also probable that some of the old houses in Watts Road and Watts Street were erected for family accomodation. However there is no detail available about these
Edward was also active in Church life. The Annual Congregation Meeting of St.
Paul's Church was held Friday evening. Rev S Douglas presiding. Report showed
that the church was in a fairly healthy state spiritually and financially. Mr
Douglas inferred that he would transfer his charge into other hands, sometime
in June. Management
Messrs Merrylees, J.Todd R.Todd, Clark, McLennan, Somers, Lozell, Watts
Waipawa Mail. Tuesday April 6th 1886
In July they farewelled Rev Douglas with an evening Coffee Supper in
Rechabite Hall, Kaikora.
Rev. S.Douglas. speech includes that having ended his student life and having
been ordained in Kaikora, he would ever remember the place
Addresses by Rev. J.C.Eccles, J Wrigley, Mr R.Rush. During the evening a very
sumptuous repast was partaken of, the following ladies presiding at the
tables:- Miss S.Clark, Miss Watts, Miss Soley Miss Lozell, Miss Allanach., Mrs
Merylees. Messrs Stanton, F. Dillon W. Pettit, Clark
Thursday July 15th 1886
Otane became a town in 1866 (Waipawa Mail Nov 6th 1886 ) with Edward one of 11
nominations for 5 positions as Town Board Comissioner.(Waipawa Mail.December 23
1886 ) He appears to have withdrawn before the elections (Waipawa Mail.Thursday
September 27th 1888 )
.William was popular as a musician for comunity events
The Kaikora Quadrille Assembly closed their season . with a Ball. Dancing
commenced at 8pm. Mr Stacey was M.C. and Mr W.Watts supplied the music
(Waipawa Mail. Tuesday October 23rd 1888 )
.A most enjoyable time was spent by those who attended the Oddfellows
Anniversary Ball Ball at the Rechabite Hall . The floor was in grand condition
and the music by Mr W.Watts was all that could be desired. Dancing was kept up
with vigour until 4am
(Waipawa Mail.Saturday May 25th 1889 )
Edward continued a a steward of the Waipawa Racing Club as a steward and
agreed to an extension of the lease for a term of ten years at a rental of £60
which gave the Club a lease of fifteen years from 1st January 1893. (Waipawa
Mail. Saturday August 6th 1892). However this was to be his last year as an
officer if the Racing Club (Waipawa Mail.Tuesday August 28
The Summer Meeting of WCRC had a fair attendance. One of two showers fell
which made the course and lawn a perfect sea of mud . The Totalisator put
through the sum of £3496
Waipawa Mail. January 23rd 1894
The weather was fine for the April 1894 meeting and there was a fair
attendance. A great number of whom came from Hastings and Napier. It seems
ridiculous but it is nevertheless true that it is easier to come from Napier to
the course, a distance of 35 miles, than to go from Waipawa, a distance of 5
miles . The wants of the Inner Man were attended to by Mr J Watts, who
provided race goers with an excellent luncheon at a moderate price
.(Waipawa Mail.Thursday April 5th 1894
.The Waipawa County Racing Club was concerned about the amount they were paying
Edward for the rent of the racecourse ground and had approached him about a
possible reduction.
He replied stating that he would reduce the Annual rental of the course by £10
providing the Club gave up the training track and laid down the best rye grass
seed.Waipawa Mail. Thursday August 12 th 1897
.And when this was not to their liking he replied
"I have again considered the matter re rent of Race Course and I have come to
the conclusion, as you are anxious to get a course about Waipawa, I propose
another way I will meet you. As your cash assets are now over £300, it would be
very reasonable to divide the said assets between us and you may hold your
Boxing Day meeting, as intended, this half year and then remove all your plant
away, but to stop horse training now". Waipawa Mail. August 26th 1897
The Waipawa Racing Club held their last meeting on Edward's run on 27th
December 1897. Waipawa Mail. Tuesday December 28th 1897 and the last
grandstand eventually towed to a new site by two steam driven tractaction
engines. Waipawa Mail. March 31st 1898
It is been told that at its peak the Racecourse accomodated 60 horses at a
meeting providing stables for them. It is little wonder therefore ( with
this growing entertainment industry) that it was becoming an excessive burden
for the swamp land and he was happy to see it go.
A singular accident happened on Saturday last to Mr Thomas Watts, son of Mr
Edward Watts, farmer of this place. It appears he had gone alone towards the
corkscrew gully to lop the willow tops for sheep, cattle to feed on. He was, it
is conjectured, sitting astride one of the boughs while cutting another below
him when it suddenly snapped, precipitating him to the ground upon his head,
producing unconsciousness. Here he remained until discovered by his brothers
shortly after 7pm.. He was carried home and a doctor was quickly in attendance.
The sufferer, at intervals, remembers something of the accident but his
utterances are at times, incoherent. Last night, I learned, he is getting on
towards recovery, fairly well
Waipawa Mail. Thursday March 3rd 1898
.Edward was nominated for appointment to the Patangata Road Board however he polled lowest of 7 candidates on May 7th 1898 and was not elected
Tuesday April 26th 1898
.The police have been put to a lot of unnecessary trouble over the reported
robbery of sheep from Mr Watts paddock in Kaikora. It appears the gate was left
opened and the sheep wandered away. Why the police should have to find lost
animals instead of the owner is a question the public would like to have
answered Waipawa Mail. Saturday October 7th 1899
Edward replied adamantly that his missing sheep had been deliberately
dispersed. Ninety six 4 tooth wethers had been missing from the old racecourse
paddock. Some had been found later but 34 were still unaccounted for. Probably
stolen. Total number in mob were 329 sheep Tuesday October 10th 1899
Picture thought to be from Lesley Ann
Edward died on 16th May 1914
Edward's headstone in the Otane cemetry.
Picture by John Mudgway
On Thursday afternoon October 31st, 1918 the last mortal remains of Mrs Watts, relect of the late Edward Watts of Early Mount were interred in the local cemetery. Deceased had resided in Otane since her marriage 59 years ago and was one of the last of the Kaikora pioneers, her sister, Mrs Clark of Hastings, whom she visited just before her death, being another of the fast disappearing band. Mrs Watts leaves a family often surviving children. They are John Watts of Feilding, William, Charles , Harry of Wellington and Edward, also James, Thomas.and Miss Annie of Otane )
Picture thought to be from P Ancell
Following the death of the parents the children chose to liquidate some of the
property. It is thought that a block bordering Racecourse road was the first to
be sold.
Waipawa Mail. Monday 6th December 1920
The sale of Otane sections of the Estate of the late Edward Watts and of other
local properties held on Friday was not a particular success
Block 1 6acres passed in at £60 an acre
Block 2 14 acres passed in at £68 an acre
Block 3 22 acres passed in at £62 an acre
Block 5 26 acres no. bid .
Block 7 85 acres downs Edward Watts £25.0.0
Block 7 85 acres downs passed in at £24.0.0
Block 9 186 acres downs passed in at £20.0.0
By the end of the Second World War the farm was showing the effects of its
neglect. The paddocks were strewn with the carcases of sheep which had decayed
where they had fallen. The low land pasture had reverted to bull rushes
growing head high and had become the haven for quail. Henry took pleasure in
shooting the quail which was abundant.
The storage shed was sold and removed and also the four wheel carriage with
its complete set of harness in excellent order.
Seventy five acres of the low land was put up for tender. The highest price
offered was £60 per acre by a returned soldier. However at this time land could
not be transferred without the consent of the land court. The court
subsequently ruled that the land value was £36 per acre and the sale was
completed at this price much to the purchaser's delight.
A further 83 acres was sold to the same purchaser in 1960.
Following Annie's death, the remaining estate was sold. The house was sold
separately and was dismantled. The materials were used to construct a small
house on the corner of Dee and Bell St in Otane. However there is no similarity
at all between the two buildings. Another house in Otane has a verandah and
french doors in the same pattern as the original house. Therefore it can be
said that the materials of the house were dispersed throughout Otane. Most of
the furniture passed to a Watts relative who at that time was residing in
John William Watts
was born on 19th March 1861
On August 21st at his residence. Lees Line .Feilding , John William, late
husband of Eliza Watts, eldest son of Edward Watts, late of Otane passed away
Aged 68years
Waipawa Mail Wednesday August 21st 1929
Edward Grace Watts
was born on 21 June .1864
On September 6
1926 Edward left the house after having locked it and when he
returned he found a maori youth in his bed room who shot him as he appeared in
the doorway. He rushed him and caught hold of the gun and during the tussel the
gun went off again. The struggle continued along the passage and into the back
yard where Edward escaped and made for the highway. He was picked up there in a
state of collapse and taken to the hospital where he was treated. The youth
was sent to a training farm. This is fully reported in the Waipawa mail of 29
Sept.1926. I have a copy of this
Edward was a teacher at the Waipawa District High School. He is remembered by
one of his pupils (1935 to 36) as standing on the elevated platform that was
typical for
those times twirling his pocket watch on the end of its chain whilst the class
looked on hopeful that the chain might break.
William Watts
was born on 9 May 1866
Advice has been received at Otane of the death at Wellington, of Mr William
Watts, second son of the late Mr and Mrs E Watts, Early Mount, /Otane, pioneer
settlers of this district. Deceased spent his boyhood, early manhood in Otane
but many years ago removed to Wellington where, with his younger brother, he
was engaged in the building business. The late Mr Watts was a keen
horticulturalist since his retirement several years ago and had devoted his
time to his garden, specialising in the cultivation of Begonias. In addition to
his widow and a married son, deceased leaves three brothers, E, A, J, ( what
about H ?) and two sisters Misses S and A Watts, Otane
Waipawas Mail Friday February 4th 1938
Thomas Steven Watts
was born on 19 July 1870
.A singular accident happened on Saturday last to Mr Thomas Watts, son of Mr
Edward Watts, farmer of this place. It appears he had gone alone towards the
corkscrew gully to lop the willow tops for sheep, cattle to feed on. He was, it
is conjectured, sitting astride one of the boughs while cutting another below
him when it suddenly snapped, precipitating him to the ground upon his head,
producing unconsciousness. Here he remained until discovered by his brothers
shortly after 7pm.. He was carried home and a doctor was quickly in attendance.
The sufferer, at intervals, remembers something of the accident but his
utterances are at times, incoherent. Last night, I learned, he is getting on
towards recovery, fairly well
Waipawa Mail. Thursday March 3rd 1898
Thomas did not marry and died on July 24th 1919
Alexander Watts
was born on 27 July 1872
. Another wedding of local interest took place on the same afternoon. Mr
E.J.Watts B.A., only son of Mr and Mrs A Watts married Miss Laura Castleton
Lowe, daughter of Mr and Mrs E Lowe, Tongoio , at the Tongoio Memorial Hall
January 9th 1931
At the District Hospital, Waipukurau, June 3rd, Isla Margaret, dearly loved
daughter of Layra and Edward Watts, passed away, aged 5 years 11 months. The
funeral will leave St Peters Church, Waipawa at 2.30pm for the Otane Cemetery
Friday June 3rd 1938
James Watts
on 13th October 1875
There was a large gathering at the Railway Station yesterday morning to say
goodbye to five of the local boys who are going to camp. A. Watts, D. Stevens,
R. Sharpe, R. Herrington, H. Phillips, E. Coombs and this morning, I. White
took his departure — no official farewell has been arranged -— of the boys who
left, Angus Watts is the elder son of Mr and Mrs J. Watts and grandson of the
late Mr. E.Watts. Douglas Stevens is the eldest son of Mr and Mrs L.J. Stevens
and grandson of Mr J.G. Stevens, who was born here over 70 years ago. Harold
Phillips is the third son of Mr and Mrs G Phillips and grandson of Mrs L.
Higgs. lan White is the second son of Mr and Mrs R.H.White, grandson of the
late Mr W. White. R. Sharpe was the Sports Master at Te Aute College and R.
Herrington is the son of Mrs G. Robertson
Waipawa Mail. October 4th 1939
.Men from the Otane district attached to the First Echelon, home on final leave
are, Privates H.Phillips, G. Herrington, R, Herrington, A. Watts, J.Watts, D.
Stevens, J.Searle, Trooper I.White
Waipawa Mail. Friday December 12th 1939
The Otane Town Hall was filled to capacity on Wednesday evening when residents
and friends of local men of the first Echelon who are on final leave were given
a send off---- Private Angus Watts replied on behalf of his comrades ----
second half of the programme was given to dancing
Waipawa Mail. Friday December 29th 1939
Report of death of Mr J Watts.
The elder son is with the First Echelon in Egypt. The younger son, James, is a
member of the N.Z. Airforce, now in camp at the Taiere
Waipawa Mail. January 17th 1941
.The funeral of the late Mr J Watts took place at the local cemetery on
Wednesday afternoon, the service being conducted by Rev, F.W. Robertson. Mr
Watts, who was 65years was the sixth son, seventh child, of the late Mr Edward
Watts, one of the districts earliest pioneers. His death was very sudden---a
widower--- the eldest son Angus is with the 1st Echelon in Egypt. The younger
son, James, is a member of the Airforce and now in camp at the Taiere Airbase
.Friday January 17th 1941
.Susan Watts
was born on 19th March 1868
Ann Watts
16th September 1877
Susan and Ann both played hockey for the Ngatiawa hockey club of Kaikora North
during 1907
Picture from John Mudgway
Ann had a stall at the Presbyterian Church Bazaar
Waipawa Mail. Monday October 12th 1925
.and held office at the Women's Institute firstly on the committee
Waipawa Mail. March 21st 1932
and then as President
Waipawa Mail. July 18th 1932
and Waipawa Mail. March 20th 1933
One of them entered a frock making competition Waipawa Mail. Monday October 1934
The two sisters did not marry and remained on in the family home. Susan died
in 1947 and Ann in 1962.
.The house was removed from its site shortly after their death.
.Charles Watts
12 December 1879
.Henry Watts
7 March 1882
Looking back on the Otane visit I can recall clearly much of the scenery. This particular visit took place some time around 1957/58, and my memories are that of a 12 or 13 year old.
I am not sure as to the reason for the visit as it was a once off and my mother and my grandmother had arranged to go to see Aunt Annie, and it must have been for a very specific reason . A reason that was not deemed suitable to share with a twelve/thirteen year-old and most unusual as in all the times I had stayed with my grandparents I had never before been taken to visit Aunt Annie.
Once again, the reason for the absence or non-attendance by my grandfather on this outing was also unexplained to me as a child. Why my grandfather would not want to visit his apparently dying sister will probably always remain a mystery.
I was pretty familiar with this kind of treatment as I was raised by the "children should be seen and not heard" system. I won't digress into a debate on this weird form of child rearing, but I clearly remember living in a kind of vacuum of never knowing quite what was going on as THE ADULTS had a habit of huddling together and whispering so that children wouldn't know.
I was living in Palmerston North at that time with my parents. My mother had decided she and I would visit my grandparents at Napier. I can only assume that it was school holiday time maybe May or August. I cannot remember the route but the driveway to the property stands out clearly in my mind. As we drove in the main gate the drive extended far into the distance, over rolling green hills with willow trees either side, the whole effect being one of an enormous park. The drive dipped down into a gully and up the other side. The old house was on the left hand side almost totally obscured by enormous trees and bushes which were growing very close to the house and had almost totally overgrown it. I remember being told that Aunt Annie lived in this old house and the farm was run by a manager who lived in a cottage over the rise and to the right, further down the drive and out of sight from the main house.
The over-grown effect was not pleasing-- more sinister and very neglected.
Inside was very dark. I was given the "Shush" treatment. The old kitchen boasted very little in furnishings or mod cons. It wasn't very large and it's main claim to fame was a slow combustion stove in front of which sat an old lady in what appeared to me to be a wheel chair. She was covered in rugs and shawls and hunched over. My mother and grandmother were treated to chairs next to the wood stove and I seem to remember being sat back away from them. They talked in hushed tones and eventually I got bored. I went for a walk but didn't get very far. The bushes and trees pressed in on the house making it impossible to walk around. The rooms were so dark I wasn't game to venture very far into them. The whole feeling was oppressive and gloomy. Needless to say I was relieved when it was time to leave. It was not a long visit and my mother and grandmother were very quiet on the return journey.
The experience was not one which you might say stands out in my memories of childhood as unforgettable , and yet I never have.
It was decidedly strange.
Donald McLEAY (Snr) occupation Plasterer (1,4)
Donald McLEAY occupation Painter (2)
1. Margaret (29 Oct 1875 – 21 Oct 1964)
2. Grace (17 May 1877 – 1 Feb 1969)
3. Florence (4 March 1879 - ??) m ?PATERSON
4. Eliza Sarah b 11 Aug 1880
5. Kenneth b 6 June 1882
6. Jessie Mary (15 Jan 1884 – 31 Oct 1970)
7. Annie Catherine McLEAY b 17 Nov 1885 m Henry (Harry) WATTS
8. Donald Roderick 15 July 1888
9. Lily May b 31 May 1890
10. Ruth b 18 July 1893
11. Helen Isabel b 13 Feb 1896
This family picture taken around 1900 supplied by Jeanette Priscott from her mother's collection
Photograph from Jeanette Priscott
Margaret (Maggie) BREMNER
Born 20 September 1849 (1)
Parish of Floderty (1) Scotland
Died 1938 (2)
Married Donald McLEAY on 19 November 1874 (1)
in Glasgow (1)
Photograph by Jeanette Priscott
Jeanette Priscot has one of the originals still in its original frame (The Hardie Shaw Studios, Wellington NZ)